Thank you for Participating at Sailing Leadership Forum 2016

Picture by Eder Photo.
Picture by Eder Photo.

Over 530 leaders throughout the country participated in Sailing Leadership Forum 2016 earlier this month at the Hilton San Diego Resort. These enthusiastic participants came to Southern California with a wealth of positive energy that was inspiring for everyone.

US Sailing thanks all of the Sailing Leadership Forum 2016 attendees, presenters and contributors for creating an atmosphere conducive to learning, sharing and having fun. The attendees’ motivation to connect, discover and grow made this special event a reality. It is you, the sailors, who drive these important discussions that shape the future of sailing.

It was really encouraging to see so many of the attendees returning from the inaugural Sailing Leadership Forum in 2014. Two years later many returned to report back on the progress they experienced in implementing the new strategies and tactics learned. It was equally as encouraging to see so many new faces at this year’s forum. Many of the 2014 attendees made it a priority to invite friends, co-workers, volunteers and fellow sailors.

We also want to thank the many presenters and keynote speakers who volunteered their time to share their knowledge. Many of these presenters returned from the 2014 event and built off that momentum by advancing the topics. Our new presenters offered a fresh perspective with new and interesting ideas. We have archived the presentations online at for the general audience to learn from and share.

US Sailing would also like to thank all the volunteers who helped develop the topics and programming; our sponsors and exhibitors whose financial support was essential and who created a top-notch environment in the Exhibitor Pavilion; and the sailing industry whose engagement was welcome, and will be critical to the future of sailing.

We hope to see you at the many US Sailing events around the country in 2016 and beyond that foster this type of critical dialogue, including our Regional Symposiums, NSPS and the National Conference.

Take a tour of the Sailing Leadership Forum 2016 – Watch the Video

Check out these photos from the Sailing Leadership Forum 2016  and the 2015 US Sailing Awards Dinner.